Consulting & Strategy

At the forefront of opening up new ways to deliver business legal services, Outset’s approach combines consistent quality, excellent communications and leading edge technology to ensure the best possible outcome at an affordable cost.


Probably the most talked about 4 letter acronym in business for the past decade… We can help guide you through the maze of obligations and requirements and get you feeling comfortable that you are compliant.

All of our services are carried out on a fixed price basis where possible or with clear and transparent pricing structures where the degree of our involvement is not immediately clear.

GDPR Top Line Audit

Our audit will identify the issues relevant to your business in achieving compliance.  This simple audit will tell you where you are now and uses a traffic light system to set out key areas of improvement.

Working Groups

Our consultants can host or attend working group sessions within your business on GDPR compliance and help guide the discussions and highlight areas of focus. We will help you review progress and steer key internal stakeholders on delivering compliance. This can be structured as a one-off discussion session, or as an ongoing project.

Data Mapping

In order to achieve compliance, you need to understand where data is being collected, how it is being stored and processed, and why. Our expert consultants will work with your team to identify and map the flow of data through your business. This can either focus on specific areas, such as HR, or across the business.  Understanding this detail in a key stage in developing your compliance strategy – we’ll help guide you through what can be a challenging project to undertake.


We can review your existing policies to ensure they doing the job for GDPR compliance. It’s likely you have privacy, data protection, retention and IT policies, but have they been reviewed or updated to take account of changes? Importantly, do they actually provide an accurate reflection of what is happening in the business? We can help guide you through and bring things up to date.

Consent, breach and subject access requests

Is your consent process clear, transparent, recorded and updated? It’s important to be able to demonstrate your approach to gaining consent, and our team can help get you up to speed.

Are you processes for dealing with data breaches and or subject requests clear and well-communicated throughout the business? We can help you implement policies and processes to ensure you’re covered should these needs arise. 


Our team can deliver short, interactive and informative learning sessions, with either a legal or practical focus.

Data Compliance/Protection Officer

If needed, one of our consultants can provide the service of Data Protection Officer within your business on a structured, integrated basis.

Call us now for a friendly chat about your needs.