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Are you looking for high quality legal, HR and safety advice? You have come to the right place.

We regularly write about a range of different topics and welcome your comments on our posts. If you would like more information on our services, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Pregnancy discrimination

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In 2020, Nicola Hinds's employer, Mitie, described her as ‘extremely dedicated’ and as having ‘tremendous potential’. A year later, after she informed her bosses of her pregnancy, things deteriorated markedly. Hinds informed her...

Handling employee requests to work from abroad

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As I looked out of my office window a few days ago on a dreary wet dull UK October day, my thoughts inevitably drifted to sunnier places, and not for the first time I wondered why, if employees can work effectively at home in the UK, they shouldn’t be...

Our Guide To The Employment Law Draft Bill!

Tessa Robinson
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The long awaiting (100 days of waiting to be precise!) bill has today been released. There is a lot of concern about businesses over the lack of consultation that has taken place prior to its publication. We are therefore expecting consultation to take...

The Use Of Language In The Workplace For Employers

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As the workplace evolves into a more diverse landscape, encompassing differences in race, religion, gender, age and more, language plays an essential role in achieving inclusion and safeguarding employees from discrimination. Managing this effectively is...

The Right to Switch Off Striking a Balance Between Work and Life

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The "Right to Switch Off" has become crucial as workplaces, especially with remote working, face challenges in separating professional and personal life. Blurred boundaries are leading to more stress, burnout, and declining mental health. Why is...

Thandi and others vs Next Retail Ltd and another

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Shop floor work found to be of equal value to warehouse work - Thandi and others v Next Retail Ltd and another ET/1302019/18 In a crucial and perhaps landmark decision, over 3,500 former and current staff at Next have been successful in the...

Worker Protection Act 2023

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A landmark event in workers rights is about to hit and must be approached with thoroughness. Time is ticking so make sure you and your entire staff are ready to meet the changes with confidence, empathy and efficiency! On 26th October 2024 , the Worker...

Parnell V Royal Mail Group Ltd

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A finding of failure to make reasonable adjustments does not prevent disability discrimination claims from being dismissed – Parnell v Royal Mail Group Ltd [2024] EAT 130 The Claimant in this case had anxiety and depression and brought 31 claims...

British Airways plc v Rollett and others

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Claimants without the protected characteristics of a disadvantaged group can bring claims of indirect discrimination for the “same disadvantage” - British Airways plc v Rollett and others and Minister for Women and Equalities (Intervener)...

New ECHR Guidance

Molly Mackay
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Each month we will be asking a question on a hot topic to one of our employment specialists. This month, Molly Mackay, Solicitor considers the upcoming new obligation on employers to precent sexual harassment in the workplace. ‘We are aware that...

Wellbeing at Work and The Importance Of It

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Why is wellbeing at work so important? Enhancing employee satisfaction, reducing stress, and boosting overall performance are just a few reasons. But is it the organisation’s responsibility to promote a healthy lifestyle and mental health to their...

What Is Attrition and How To Manage It

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Each month, as you walk into the office, you can observe how your workplace is evolving. While changes in staffing present challenges, it's also an opportunity to improve. By focusing on employee retention, you can alleviate the pressure on your...

Dependant Leave During Half-Term

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Half-term can be challenging for employees with dependents. Understanding dependent care leave helps both employees and employers find the best solutions. Read on for practical tips and strategies! School holidays are coming up. Are you worried about...

Bank Holidays and Sick Days

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HR faces a recurring challenge every year: managing sick leave around the August bank holiday. Companies often need to verify the legitimacy of such sick days. So, what steps can you take from an employer's perspective if this occurs in your company? ...

August Bank Holiday Sick Days

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HR faces a recurring challenge every year: managing sick leave around the August bank holiday. Companies often need to verify the legitimacy of such sick days. So, what steps can you take from an employer's perspective if this occurs in your company? ...

The Draft Employment Bill To Be Introduced Within 100 Days!

Tessa Robinson
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As expected, yesterday the King’s speech included the formal announcement of a new Employment Bill, the draft legislation for which will be introduced within 100 days. Although the changes are vast, and the exact detail is yet to be seen, the guidance...

Case Law - Employers Should Remember To Consult At Risk Employees Over The Selection Pool

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Valimulla v Al- Khair Foundation The Claimant was a liaison officer covering the North-West of England region. The Foundation employed other individuals who carried out the same/similar role in other geographical regions. During the pandemic, the work...

Case Law - Future claims are validly settled under a settlement agreement

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Clifford v IBM United Kingdom Ltd [2024] EAT 90 The Claimant had been absent from work due to his disability from 2008 onwards. In 2013, he entered into a settlement agreement following his grievance against the Respondent, which included their failure...

7 Essential Summer Travel Tips For Planning Your Getaway

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As the summer sun begins to shine (on occasion), it's time to start planning those much-anticipated getaways with friends and family. It’s the perfect opportunity to explore new places, create unforgettable memories, and have the adventure of a...

Employment Law A-Z M Is For Management

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Managers should not shy away from difficult conversations. By tackling issues (whether it be performance, disciplinary, or otherwise), in an open and timely manner, it stops them from escalating into grievances or tribunal claims. Various management styles...

Employment Law A-Z Leave Related to IVF and Fertility Treatment

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L is for… Leave related to IVF and fertility treatment Under the current legislation, there is no statutory right to time off for IVF appointments, as these do not currently fall under the remit of antenatal appointments. Case law has helped to...

Ask the Expert - Asking For Evidence To Remain Anonymous

Tessa Robinson
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Each month we will be asking a question on a hot topic to one of our employment specialists. This month, Tessa Robinson, Senior Associate considers what happens when an employee asks for their evidence to remain anonymous in an internal grievance,...

The Election: What this means for Employment law

Tessa Robinson
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With labour winning a majority in the General Election, it is highly likely they will be able to proceed with their proposed changes to employment law, as set out in their election manifesto. Following our summary last week, we take a deeper look at the...

Heat Stress What To Do When It's Hot At Work

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Feeling the heat at work? As climate change cranks up the temperatures, understanding how to manage heat stress during the summer months is more crucial than ever. We will explore the impacts of rising temperatures in your workplace and provide practical...

Managing Annual Leave in The Summer

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Summer is the season of sun, relaxation, and the battlefield for annual leave management. Time off is on the rise with changes to areas like parental leave. Balancing these with the familiar holiday requests isn't easy. In this blog, we aim to provide...

Budget Friendly Spring and Summer Fun Ideas

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Ah, summer - the season of sunshine, relaxation, and endless possibilities for fun. But enjoying all that summer has to offer doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag. With a little creativity and planning, you can have a fantastic Spring and Summer...

1 Week To Go - Change In Employment Law Is Coming...

Tessa Robinson
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With one week to go until the General Election, we have summarised each of the main political parties election pledges in relation to employment law, and provide our view as to the impact these may have! To avoid any politic persuasion – we have listed...

TUPE: is change coming?

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Many organisations hoped that the TUPE regulations would be abolished following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. Although this did not transpire, the government have launched a consultation on making further changes to the Transfer of Undertakings...

Good news: the Graduate visa is here to stay!

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In a year where the Immigration rules have seen their biggest overhaul in many years, employers have been given some good news as the Migration Advisory Committee (“MAC”) have recommended that the Graduate visa route is retained in its current...

Ask the Expert - Allocation of Tips

Suzanne Brookes
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Each month we will be asking a question on a hot topic to one of our employment specialists. This month, Suzanne Brookes, Senior Associate considers the new rules that will be introduced later this year in relation to the Allocation of Tips, predominately...

Case law - If a Claimant conduct arising from disability is a minor contributing factor

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If a Claimant’s conduct arising from disability is a minor contributing factor to a decision taken by an Employer, that decision can amount to discrimination arising from disability under the Equality Act 2010 – Bodis v Lindfield Christian...

Case Law - A tribunal should look at the original claim documents

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A tribunal should look at the original claim documents in order to conclude which claims have been brought by a Claimant, and not just rely on the agreed list of issues Z v Y The Claimant worked for the Respondent in fire and rescue. After a long...

Employment Law A-Z Judicial Mediation

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J is for… Judicial Mediation An important element of the Employment Tribunal process is that of judicial mediation. This involves both willing parties, accompanied by their legal representatives if they have them, usually appearing before a judge...

Neurodiversity: Employers must continue to make improvements in support of neurodiverse employees!

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Over the past few years, employers have made great strides in recognising and supporting neurodivergent individuals. However, the City & Guilds Foundation, an organisation specialising in skills development, has published its second Neurodiversity Index...

Tribunals should not substitute their own decision

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Tribunals should not substitute their own decision for that of the employer, a decision may be harsh, but if an Employer can evidence their actions were within the band of reasonable responses, the dismissal should be ruled as fair – Vaultex UK Ltd...

Moving to a digital immigration world

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Moving to a digital immigration world – transition to eVisas for Biometric Residence Permit holders The Home Office plans to develop an immigration system that is “digital by default”. One of the steps they are taking in relation to...

Using a trial period to determine if a role is suitable

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Using a trial period to determine whether a role is a suitable alternative in an ill health capability process is a reasonable adjustment that Employer’s should implement before taking a decision to dismiss -  Rentokil Initial UK Ltd v Miller...

Protect Your Business: The Importance of Shareholders' Agreements

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We see it often – a business venture starts off amicably and well-intentioned, then turns sour. And if this is a family-affair or a venture with friends, then matters can quickly escalate into a toxic mess. But how can you get shares in your company...

Employee Share Schemes - what are they, and does your business need one?

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The concept of rewarding your employees has been around for donkeys’ years in various guises, whether it be pay rises, benefits packages, bonuses or a cracking Christmas party. Setting up an employee share scheme gives employees the opportunity to buy...

Hello Fresh and Regulation 22

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We’ve all been there. Our phone chimes from the other side of the room, and our heart skips a beat as we wonder who is messaging us - friends? Beloved family members? Perhaps even the neighbour apologising for blocking your driveway last night? Alas,...

Employment Law A-Z Holiday Pay

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H is for… Holiday Pay Notably, there have been some fundamental changes to holiday pay in 2024, the first of which were implemented after 1 January 2024. These include for example, express provisions regarding the carry-over of annual leave, a new...

May is National Walking Month

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May is just around the corner and as it’s National Walking Month, we have a look at how it can positively impact working life, especially if you’re a flexible worker. A brisk 30-minute walk can burn around 200 calories.   As we step into...

Landmark ruling - failure to make adjustments for mental health

Suzanne Brookes
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On 14 February 2024, the High Court dismissed an appeal by the University of Bristol against a ruling that it had discriminated against one of its students on the grounds of her disability by failing to make reasonable adjustments to its assessment process,...

Influential women in law and the laws that made it possible

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A look back through the history books at the influential women in law and the laws passed that changed history for women in the workplace.

Making neurodiverse inclusive workplaces

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At least 1 in 7 people are neurodiverse, so its highly likely there are employees in your organisation who are neurodiverse. Neurodiversity has been in the spotlight frequently over the last few years as we all begin to understand and appreciate that not...

Ask the Expert: AI in the workplace

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Each month we will be asking a question on a hot topic to one of our employment specialists. This month, Daniel Smith, Senior Associate considers the topic of AI in the workplace! “If we suspect our team are using AI (such as ChatGPT) to create...

Guidance on reasonable adjustments for menopause

Tessa Robinson
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The Equality and Human Rights Commission have, last week, published guidance for employers on menopause and the Equality Act. The aim is to clarify the legal obligations of employers and to foster positive conversations about the menopause with their...

Holiday pay for atypical workers - the next step...

Tessa Robinson
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Last year we reported on the change in how holiday pay should be calculated for part year, permanent workers. In the  Harpur Trust v Brazel  case, the Supreme Court ruled that holiday entitlement for workers who only work part of the year (such as...

Managing differences of opinion in the workplace

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The recent death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has brought to the fore the variety of opinions on the place of the monarchy in modern Britain. Indeed, this week we saw the arrest of one protestor waiving an anti-monarchy placard as a matter of breach of...

Commercial Property - getting the right legal advice

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Correct commercial property advice is an essential ingredient to ensure your transaction proceeds smoothly and your risk is minimised. To prevent issues from occurring our commercial property team will provide excellent property advice on all areas of...

Conflict resolution in a hybrid workplace

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One of the emerging challenges of the working from home culture that emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic for HR teams is conflict resolution in the workplace. Any assumption that just because workers are physically remote and, therefore, conflict between...